TeachSTEM Scholarship 2024-2025 | Apply Now

The GBF TeachSTEM Scholarship 2024 program is now open to apply for college students and master’s students. Recently, the Gokongwei Brothers Foundation has announced the opening of its GBF TeachSTEM Scholarship program via a Facebook post.

Number of Slots Available

Since its inception in 2018, GBF TeachSTEM Scholarship has supported education of 61 graduates and is currently supporting 453 scholars.

This year, there are 330 slots available for new TeachSTEM college and master’s scholars.

TeachSTEM Scholarships

There are two scholarships available in the GBF TeachSTEM scholarship program and they are as follows:

  • TeachSTEM College Scholarship
  • TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship

TeachSTEM College Scholarship

The GBF TeachSTEM College Scholarship 2024 is open to apply for all aspiring teachers to become competent educators and STEM champions who provide their students with conducive and meaningful learning experiences.

GBF TeachSTEM College Scholarship Benefits

Following is the list of benefits a TeachSTEM college scholar is entitled to:

  • Financial Grant (Sent directly to a scholar’s bank account)
    • State University: ₱65,000 per year
    • Private University: ₱85,000 per year
  • Scholar Development Programs
    • Access to capacity-building programs (e.g., leadership development, upskilling, subject content mastery)
    • Support from a community of educators

Scholars shall receive benefits until graduation from their degree program, subject to compliance with scholarship retention requirements every semester. 

Who can apply for the Scholarship

To apply for GBF Teach STEM College Scholarship, one must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. The candidate must be an incoming 1st year student or an ongoing college student (strong preference for incoming 2nd year students) taking a bachelor’s degree in education with specialization in STEM-related fields, tech-voc training education, or general education. Student scheduled to graduate in AY 2024-2025 are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
  2. Student must be enrolled or intend to enroll in a teacher education institution (TEI) with LET performance above the national average
  3. He or She must have no failed, dropped, or incomplete grades in the previous academic year
  4. If in senior high school, academic records from Grades 11 and 12 will be evaluated
  5. Must have a general weighted average of at least 85% or its equivalent from the previous academic year
  6. If in senior high school, GWA from Grade 11 will be evaluated
  7. The candidate shall have active involvement in extracurricular or community activities
  8. Must be willing to teach in a public school in their community after graduation
  9. Must be of good moral standing and have no existing disciplinary case
  10. Must be in need of financial support to complete studies
  11. Preferably not a recipient of other scholarships
  12. Candidate must be in good health.

For the latest scholarship updates, Join College Scholarships Facebook Broadcast channel:

College Scholarships Facebook Broadcast Channel

Qualified Degree Programs

Following is the list of degree programs qualified for the GBF TeachSTEM College Scholarship:

  • Bachelor of Secondary Education, major in:
    • Mathematics
    • Science
    • Biology
    • Physics
    • Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Elementary Education, major in:
    • Science and Mathematics
    • Mathematics
    • Science and Health Education
    • General Education
    • General Curriculum
    • Early Education
  • Information Technology & TLE Courses
    • Bachelor in Information Technology Education (BITED), with Certificate in Elementary, Junior High School & Senior High School Teaching
    • Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Economics
    • Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education, major in Information and Communication Technology
  • Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education, major in:
    • Drafting Technology
    • Civil Technology and Construction Technology
    • Electronics Technology
    • Automotive Technology
    • Construction Technology
    • Computer Systems Servicing
    • Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Technology
    • Mechanical Technology
    • Computer Programming
    • Civil Technology
    • Electrical Technology
    • Computer Hardware Servicing

Documentary Requirements

The list of documents required to apply for GBF TeachSTEM College Scholarship is as follows:

  1. Fully accomplished online application form (link given below)
  2. Proof of enrollment or admission
    • If an incoming college student, submit proof of admission and letter of intent to enroll
    • If an ongoing college student, submit certificate of registration from the current semester OR letter of intent to enroll in the next semester
  3. Certified true copy of grades
    • If an incoming college student, submit academic records from Grades 11 and 12 (available quarters)
    • If an ongoing college student, submit grades from at least two (2) most recent consecutive semesters
  4. Official grading system of university or school
    • This can be any document from the institution showing the transmutation of grades in the university/school. (E.g.: 2.0 = 80%)
  5. Portfolio reflecting one’s community involvement and its impact in the community
    • Student Personal Portfolio Template
  6. Certificate of good moral character from the current year
  7. Proof of household income
    • If applicant has employed parents/guardians, submit one of the following: Certificate of Employment with position and salary, OR latest ITR, OR BIR Form 2316
    • If applicant has unemployed parents/guardians, submit a BIR tax exemption certificate obtained from the LGU
  8. Proof of residence
    • Photo of residence, AND
    • Proof of billing OR barangay certificate
  9. ID picture on a white background (Square image)

TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship

The GBF TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship 2024 Program aims to provide practicing educators with opportunities for advancement of critical knowledge to enable them to transform and reform educational practices, policies, and institutions in the future. 

GBF TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship Benefits

Following is the list of benefits a TeachSTEM master’s scholar is entitled to:

  • Financial Grant (Sent directly to a scholar’s bank account)
    • State University: ₱45,000 per year
    • Private University: ₱65,000 per year
  • Scholar Development Programs
    • Access to capacity-building programs (e.g., leadership development, upskilling, subject content mastery)
    • Support from a community of educators

Scholars shall receive benefits until graduation from their degree program, subject to compliance with scholarship retention requirements every semester.

Who can apply for the Scholarship

To apply for GBF Teach STEM Master’s Scholarship, one must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. The candidate must have at least one (1) year of teaching experience
    • in either a public or private school, with the intent to teach as a K-12 public school teacher of science, math, or any STEM-related subject [Note: For public school teachers, priority will be given to applicants with at least two (2) years of teaching experience.]
    • in the tertiary level as instructor or professor of any STEM-related subject or course
  2. Applicant must be a model of teaching excellence, innovativeness, care for learners, and commitment to serve
  3. He or She must be an incoming 1st year or 2nd year student in a master’s degree program in education specializing in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, alternative learning system, tech-voc training, or special education
    • If an ongoing student, the applicant MUST NOT be in the comprehensive exam or thesis stage of their graduate studies and MUST be enrolled with at least six (6) units.
  4. Must have a weighted grade of at least 2.0 or its equivalent from the previously enrolled academic year
  5. Must be enrolled in a teacher education institution (TEI) within or above the national average LET performance
  6. Must have no failed, incomplete, or dropped grades from the previous semester
    • An applicant with an incomplete, dropped or failed subject can be admitted as long as they are able to present proof of completion of the said subjects
  7. Must meet the required rating in teaching performance in the previous school year
    • If a public school teacher, must have at least a “Very Satisfactory” rating
    • If a teacher in a private school and/or the tertiary level, must have at least a “Satisfactory” rating
  8. Must be of good moral standing with no existing disciplinary case at the TEI they are enrolled in and at the school they are teaching
  9. Must be in need of financial support to complete their studies
  10. Preferably not a recipient of other scholarships
  11. The applicant must be in good health.

Qualified Degree Programs

Following is the list of degree programs qualified for the GBF TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship:

Master of Arts/Science in Education

  • Science
    • Major in Biology Education
    • Major in Chemistry Education
    • Major in Physics Education
    • Major in General Education
    • Major in Advance Science Education
  • Mathematics
    • Major in Mathematics
    • Major in Secondary Mathematics

Other Master’s Degree Programs

  • Non-Formal Education
  • Tech-Voc Teaching (Major in STEM)
  • Special Education

Documentary Requirements

The list of documents required to apply for GBF TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship is as follows:

  1. A Fully accomplished online application form (link given below)
  2. Proof of enrollment
    • If an incoming MA/MS student, submit proof of admission in the TEI and letter of intent to enroll in the next semester
    • If an ongoing MA/MS student, submit certificate of registration for the current semester enrolled with at least six (6) units and letter of intent to enroll in the next semester
  3. Certified true copy of grades
    • If an incoming MA/MS student, submit a transcript of records either from the entire undergradute program or at least two (2) most recent consecutive semesters
    • If an ongoing MA/MS student, submit a certified true copy of grades from the previous academic year or at least two (2) most recent consecutive semesters from the TEI where the applicant is enrolled
  4. Copy of Bachelor’s degree diploma
  5. Curriculum plan
    • If an incoming MA/MS student, submit complete course curriculum (from coursework, comprehensive exam to thesis)
    • If an ongoing MA/MS student, submit subjects to take after current semester (from coursework, comprehensive exam to thesis)
  6. Certificate of good moral character from the current year from the attended TEI and from the school where they are employed
  7. Performance rating for the previous calendar year from the current employer school
  8. Certificate of employment with starting date, rank and salary
  9. Certificate of STEM-related accomplishments.
    • This can be any certification showing the applicant’s participation and involvement in any STEM-related project or event in, but not limited to, the school where the applicant is employed or his/her local community.
  10. Proof of residence
    • Photo of residence, AND
    • Proof of billing OR barangay certificate
  11. PRC ID (Licensed Professional Teacher)
  12. ID picture on a white background (Square image)

Additional Documentary Requirements

Following are the additional documents required for DepEd teachers:

  • DepEd Work Application Plan
  • Updated Personal Data Sheet
  • DepEd Permit to Study

Scholarship Application Timeline

The GBF TeachSTEM College and Master’s Scholarship 2024 is ongoing and is open to apply now.

The deadline date to apply for GBF TeachSTEM College and Master’s Scholarship 2024-2025 is April 30, 2024.

How to apply for GBF TeachSTEM Scholarship 2024

All interested and eligible candidates are advised to visit the scholarship notification page for more info and to apply for GBF TeachSTEM Scholarship 2024-2025 program.

Link to TeachSTEM College Scholarship program: https://www.gokongweibrothersfoundation.org/programs/teachstem-college-scholarship

Link to TeachSTEM Master’s Scholarship program: https://www.gokongweibrothersfoundation.org/programs/teachstem-scholarship-for-educators.

Note: Our articles are solely for informational purposes. We are not affiliated to the entities featured. The source/s are provided at the bottom of each article so that you can double-check the authenticity of the articles.

[Reference: Gokongwei Brothers Foundation]

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